Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Political Desires First

     Before we leave the Libyan fiasco behind, Mr. Faddis said in his speech, regarding the lie, 'a peaceful event gone bad:' "This was absurd on its face. The Director of Central Intelligence (Mike Morell) injected himself into a domestic political dispute."

     "He did so, presumably, because he believed that Sec. of State Clinton would be the next president and he would be named to a senior post in her administration."

Part 3

     "In the runup to the 2016 election, people within Clinton's campaign concocted the idea of smearing Donald Trump with false accusations. When this failed to prevent Trump's election, they carried on to destabilizing the Trump presidency and perhaps even removing Trump from office."

     "The involvement of the FBI (Crossfire Hurricane) has been documented. The CIA's role: Investigation has shown that American intelligence sought to involve allied intelligence services. To the British it became clear this activity was inappropriate and illegal." 

     "Such interaction doesn't happen without the involvement of the CIA. John Brennan, CIA director, had to know about Crossfire Hurricane and he also had to approve it. When Brennan stepped down, he was replaced by Gina Haspel. She was chief of station in London during Crossfire Hurricane and had to have been part of this plot." 

     "When Hunter Biden's laptop threatened to derail Joe Biden's 2020 campaign, 51 former intelligence officers signed a now infamous letter branding the laptop a product of Russian disinformation. I have seen ...and retain a copy to this day. I can assure you it was real and that ... Joe Biden was compromised by a number of foreign actors - chief among them the Chinese Communist Party." 

     Of the 51, Faddis said, five were former directors or acting directors of the CIA. Mike Morell and John Brennan were among those five.  

Tomorrow, Solutions


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