Sunday, November 26, 2023

Don't Worry 

     Government agencies are inclusive, and the right politicians have our backs ... no, wait ... they have turned their backs. 

     Charles Faddis, a former department chief at the Central Intelligence Agency, is worried..."We have no time to waste in returning the CIA to fighting form."

     The CIA was created after World War II with one primary mission - to prevent another Pearl Harbor. How's it going? Faddis answered the question in a speech at Hillsdale College, which we summarize for you. 

     He said the CIA is failing for two reasons: bureaucratization and politicization. 

     "Espionage requires innate skills," he said. "Not everyone can do it. Their primary job is spotting, recruiting and developing spies. All this requires gut instincts, decisions on the fly, navigating through a maze and tolerating ambiguity." 

     "People in charge of our government have forgotten this. They have turned the CIA into just another federal agency. Recruiters look for academic degrees, language proficiency, skin color and sexual orientation." 

     "Training has been softened and is formbook in nature. We act as if anyone can be taught espionage."  

To be continued

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