Sunday, November 5, 2023

Hillary's Religion...? 

     We didn't plan to write about Mrs. Clinton anymore, until we read a book review, subtitled, How Faith Shaped Hillary Rodham Clinton's Politics. 

     Clinton grew up a Methodist, as did I. She may have been a normal church attender until she came under the influence of a youth minister who introduced her to the social gospel.  

     We read previously how she routinely mailed her thoughts to him until he died a few years ago. If his collection still exists, it might be interesting.

     When husband Bill became president, she managed to offend both conservative women and the liberal press. 

     The book, DO ALL THE GOOD YOU CAN, stretches the facts about her "motivation by faith." It shows how she can speak the language of faith and talk about the power of faith. 

     The columnist notes, "But the social gospel is no gospel at all. Repentance and faith take a back seat to changing the world. If it's up to humans to fix the world, Jesus becomes optional. 

     This reminds us of our blog a couple days ago, with people like Obama and Soros transforming the world to save the world, which is not ever going to be "saved." Period! Except for that short 10-thousand-year interlude that the Christ/Messiah will manage. :) 

     Mrs. Clinton is an uncompromising supporter of abortion and the homosexual agenda. We don't speak for God, but we know of no scriptural justification for her views. 

     She and her types don't use faith to shape politics, but politics to shape faith. (See Hitler). Finally, her brusque dismissal of conservative voters - many of whom are Christians - cancels her faith claims once and for all. And she presents herself as an intellectual. 



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