Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Hi again, viewers of Views  

     This is "unjust Jimmy," following up on yesterday's blog - quoting a year 2004 speech - listing ways to destroy America. Again, whether the speaker advocated destruction or was employing a clever way to warn Congress about what he saw coming, it is scary. 

     It's the theme itself, and the use of words we see and hear now, today! Words like "racist," "victimology" and "diversity."  

     One drink is enough. Several drinks lead to drunkenness. We have elites and their helpers who are drunk as a skunk on numerous concoctions...poured out on the land of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness to make America not great. 

     But first, we explain. Democrat Senator Schumer and others who once defended our borders and culture, now claim all Europeans who immigrated here were unjust and immoral to have done so. Therefore, we must welcome millions of non-whites from around the world to balance racial imbalance. No application necessary. 

     White Europeans had no right to come and steal the natives' soil, water and buffaloes. Many natives who didn't die in battle died from germs, for which they had no immunity. Sad. Whatever. Europeans who came here were not legitimate, the senator says.  

     In the year 1750, the first (German) Fasnacht (my given name) took an unjust boat from the Netherlands to Philadelphia, for a free and better life. He took up farming and began an unjust family line that led to me in 1938. Get it? I shouldn't be here. 

     Sen. Schumer, good. Me, bad! 

               More tomorrow


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