Wednesday, November 29, 2023


     This former CIA department head told his audience a new director who "knows the terrain is critical to CIA survival."

     "Some of what is needed can be taught. But you can't teach the critical skills connect with people in organizations that exist to murder people like you...and get them to follow your orders. That takes raw physical courage. It takes perceptions. It takes instinct, insight and immense self-confidence."

 Part 4

     "A new director must make it crystal clear there is no more business as usual, that the CIA is returning to its roots, that there will be zero tolerance for any involvement in domestic politics. A significant number of senior officers should be removed immediately. There must be a clear sea change. Everyone must understand that real reform is underway and there will be zero tolerance for foot dragging, slow rolling or internal resistance." 

     "Individuals who made rank by playing it safe and currying favor with superiors should be removed immediately. They should be replaced by individuals with the brains, guts, and audacity to do what is needed."

     "There can be only one measure of success - results. We must be interested solely in intelligence that gives us a decisive advantage over our adversaries." 

     "Recruiting must be completely revamped. Quotas are absurd. Focusing on color, gender and sexual orientation is at best irrelevant. We want the best, and that means those people who possess the unique blend of skills and abilities to do what everyone else considers impossible." 

Conclusion tomorrow

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