Friday, November 10, 2023

What Is Truth? 

     Many thousands of people all over America and around the world are shouting and stirring up crowds to support Palestinians. No mention of Hamas (radical Muslims), who launched a shocking massacre of Jewish civilians and kidnapped others, October 7. 

     A woman who dared enter one of those crowds asked why they believe Jews are to blame for aggression. They didn't exactly give her facts. They answered with loud shouts, and then shouted all the louder, and they kept shouting. 

     As they crowded around her, one demonstrator with eyes wide and a proud look, settled it: "Israel is killing babies, ladies and old people."  Their shouts prevailed. But Hamas are the real killers. 

     We didn't know fanatics read the Bible, but they seem to have learned behavior from (ironically) certain Israelites of history.

It's not complicated     

     The Lord of heaven entered his civilization to bear the punishment radicals, and all of us, deserve for sinful thoughts and behavior. Then he offered eternal life to everyone who confesses and follows him on his "narrow road."  

     Jesus appealed to average Israelites, while being quite critical of their egocentric leadership. His words and actions, such as healing a cripple on the Sabbath, earned him a beating and a walk to his cross. 

(He came to die for us, and on that cross he forgave the priests and their officials.) 

     The chief priests stirred up the crowd, which kept shouting, shouting all the louder, and their shouts prevailed. "Crucify him!"   

     Governor Pilate asked the defendant, "Are you the king of the Jews?" The priests (Jews hated Rome) asserted, "We have no king but Ceasar."

     Jesus: "I came into the world to testify to the truth." 

     Pilate sourly asked him, "What is truth?" 

     "Pilates" in and out of our government shrug their shoulders as well. 

                Matthew 27:23; Mark 15:11; Luke 23:23; John 18:33, 37; 19:15 

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