Tuesday, November 7, 2023

 To Viewers of the Views

     Nations come and go.

     The Bible says a nation divided cannot survive.

     We are divided. 

     How could that happen to us? the United States? 

     The late Richard Lamm - a man of many talents, former governor of Colorado, writer, pro-abortion and right to die, population control, immigration reduction, healthcare, and who recommended Japanese and Jewish values. A Democrat, he became disgusted with both parties and ran for president in the Reform Party, losing to Ross Perot. In 2004 Lamm gave a 5-minute speech in Washington on how to destroy America. We don't believe he was promoting these ideas; rather, he was warning us about what he saw building among progressives.  

     Wednesday and probably the second day, we will provide the speech. Those ideas are playing out in our immigration nightmare, and in numerous other ways. 

                 See you here tomorrow   

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