Thursday, November 2, 2023

Rise and 

                 fall of...

     The Roman Empire never officially ended. In fact, it may be that today's world is the wreckage of the dazzling statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream, in the book of Daniel, chapter 2. 

     Interpreting the dream, Daniel tells the king he (the Babylonian Empire) is the "head" of gold. Other parts of the "body" are silver, bronze, and iron mixed with clay. We know from history the other parts would be the Medo-Persian, Greek and Roman empires, in that order. 

     The feet and toes of iron mixed with clay probably represent the nation states that followed. Daniel added that a "rock" made by the "God of heaven" will crush the remaining pieces and establish his kingdom, which will last forever. The arrival of the Christ/Messiah?  

     Today's feet and toes include immorality, crime, abortion, falsehood, love of money, and more. WORLD magazine: "gods and goddesses of Rome exist today in the form of mythologies from around the world. Paganism thrives, with the most gifted among us receiving the spoils." 

     Middle East is one place on the planet breaking into wars and rumors of war. An American pitied an immigrant living under a bridge. His response: "Don't be sorry. I'm better off than I was in my country." 

     WORLD: "The shock of Christianity was elevating the reason enlightened Romans and later, Nazis despised it. Jesus the humble Galilean was not as noble or inspiring as their gods/superiority." 

     Elitists are determined to raise the non-white population of America above 50 percent. Obama/Soros-like idealogues seek to remake the world, but "feet and toes" remain iron and clay. The "rock" is coming.  


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