Saturday, December 26, 2020

 What We Stand to Lose, if...   

   Here we are, a few hours after we again celebrated the human birth of God himself. And we wonder when those in Washington might change Christmas to Gift-Giving Day.

   Those who want God out of the way are increasing in strength. They are related to religious Sadducees and Pharisees who rejected Jesus 2000 years ago. (That "knowledge" -  attributed to our nephew, a pastor in Oregon.)    

   If America turns away from tradition and the ideas that made America successful, we stand to lose. This comes from a book, The Three Cs That Made America Great, by Mike Huckabee and Steve Feazel, both Christian ministers, retired. Huckabee as you know was governor of Arkansas and twice a candidate for president.

   The first C - Christianity.

   The authors believe America's relationship with God influenced colonial life and was at the heart of many of our laws. They write about early colonists, charters of the colonies, and the religious ideas of the founders. 

   Immigrating from Europe, where worship meant official state churches, the colonists established their own relationship to God. 

   The "establishment clause" in the First Amendment says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." This was not written to deny Christianity's influence, but to make sure that one denomination would not be favored over another. 

   (You may know that unbelievers intentionally misconstrued the comment of one of our founders to claim that church and state must be separate.) Many now believe that sleight was and is the law. It isn't.

   Justice Samuel Alito Jr. said, "In certain quarters religious liberty has fast become a disfavored right." 

   Monday, the second C - Capitalism. 




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