Friday, December 11, 2020


   After six years of blogging, perhaps I should reveal the real me so you can better appreciate who is attempting to beguile you every day.

   1. I approve of the U.S. Constitution, and am wary of socialist states. Therefore, I am zenophobic. 

   2. I use hundreds of small, white lights in our outdoor Christmas display. Therefore, I am a white supremacist.

   3. When Mrs. Donut and I go somewhere together, most always I drive the car. Therefore I am a misogynist.     

   4. I live in the South. Therefore I am a cracker and a rebel.

   5. I am a registered Republican. Therefore I don't care about poor people. 

   6. My hope is in Christ. Therefore the world hates me.

   7. The only rainbow I really like is the one Creation makes. Therefore I am anti-gay.

   8. I don't have tattoos. Therefore I'm not a "real man." 

   9. I believe in honest journalism. Therefore I'm antiquated. 

  10. I am forgetful. Therefore I don't remember what No. 10 was to say. 

What's in a Name?

   Have you thought about voter machines made by a company named Dominion? The word means ruling, controlling power, sovereignty. Ouch.

   Dominion belongs to the Lord and he rules over the nations. Psalm 22:28


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