Monday, December 21, 2020

Count the Miracles *

   The Christmas story is far, far more involved than unbelievers claim...oh, a man came along who was special in some ways; then he died. It began long ago. 

   I will put enmity between you and her offspring ... he (Eve's offspring) will strike your head. This judgment pronounced on the serpent (Genesis 3:15), was the first Biblical mention of the Messiah. Our knowledge is imperfect, but we think the "strike" is still to come. 

   A defeated disciple restored by the risen Christ, later wrote as the Spirit taught: He was chosen before the creation of the world, revealed in these last times for your sake. (1 Peter 1:20). He, of course, is the One who surprised even teachers of the Law, taking on humanity as a baby of the virgin Mary. 


   Centuries beyond Abraham, God chose David, in Abraham's line, to be king. Still centuries later, a man named Jacob was born into that line. He fathered a son named Joseph. Forty-two generations had lived. 

   In Jerusalem, Zechariah was serving in the temple, taking his turn representing the priestly division. His wife, Elizabeth, a descendant of Aaron (Moses' brother), also was upright, observing regulations blamelessly. But they had no offspring. Elizabeth was barren (a disgrace). 


   An angel named Gabriel suddenly appears to tell Zechariah his prayer has been heard. His wife, well along in years, will bear him a son. Name him John, for he will be great in the sight of the Lord. He will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from birth, the spirit of Elijah, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. 

   The priest, well educated, wanted Gabriel to explain how old folks can bear children. Bad move. Zechariah will be speechless until John is born. 


   In Nazareth, a town of no importance, Gabriel next appears to a young woman, Mary, who found favor with God. Naturally, she is speechless. The angel tells her not to be afraid. She will give birth to a son, and is to give him the name Jesus. He will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David (here in 2020 this has not yet occurred) and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end. 

Tomorrow: miracles continue



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