Thursday, December 3, 2020

Nothing to See Here     


   Nothing reveals the disease in our national press better than its coverage of the November election.  

   Sharyl Attkisson notes, "We saw the press, and it looked like Joe Biden after Election Day was winning, they were telling the public in this very uncritical, uncurious sense, Nothing to see. Nothing to look at. Nothing to examine. Amid a lot of suspicious things doesn't mean there was widespread fraud, but certainly doesn't mean there wasn't." 

   "It seems like journalists didn't want to look," she said. "They were saying 'There's no evidence,' as if the evidence walks up to the door and knocks. Instead, we saw the media saying, 'Well, none of this matters." 

   "What we've done is create a crisis of confidence in our institutions. People...tend to not believe anything." 

   "They feel that way about the media covering Black Lives Matter, or the DOJ - whether it's going to prosecute crimes against certain people but not others, how we handle elections. Tens of millions of people think things aren't being handled fairly and accurately." 

   "I think this is all very dangerous. It's created by powers that be," she says, "who dictate the narratives and then look at the public and say, 'What's wrong with you?' I think we're in a really troubled information landscape today." 

Tomorrow: Conclusion. Where Sharyl searches for truth 



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