Tuesday, December 8, 2020

 The Great Reset   

New World Order   

   Quick! Somebody cue the great prostitute, the kings, the woman on a scarlet beast, multitudes, nations, languages ... and the beast and the dragon. It's soon time for the last act. Enter stage left. (Rev. 17)

   By honest vote or otherwise, bit players did away with the presumed hero of the story, the knight who tormented denizens of the swamp. A Robin Hood who challenged convention and gave opportunities to deplorables. 

   Lo, there are too many reptiles. They are done with hiding under the scum.

   Consider Dr. Anthony Fauchi. After we voted, he lectured, "Now is the time to do what you are told." Experts decide matters, and the rest of us obey

   To defeat the pandemic, "We must empower the U.N. and other organizations to rebuild the infrastructure of human existence, from cities to home to workplace, to water and sewer systems, to recreational gatherings venues."  

   Did he forget to include the many towers of Babel? 

Dr. Fauchi, my Lord, if we obey, will the virus go away?  

   He might answer, this revolution requires the coerced turning of societies upside down and inside out. Everything will be on the table. "Chief among them," he said, "are reducing crowding at home, work, and in public places as well as minimizing environmental perturbations such as deforestation, intense urbanization, and intensive animal farming." 

   You see by these glorious words why Joe Biden ask him to be his prime advisor on all things science. See where this is going? 

   We want to know, is China on board with minimizing perturbations? 

   We'll hear from the ruling class tomorrow. And don't bring up that antiquated Declaration of Independence. You don't want to be labeled an "enemy of the state," do you? 


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