Thursday, December 24, 2020

 Immanuel, to Thee We Sing 

   The angelic message said the baby was to be named Jesus (Savior), so what's with the Old Testament name Immanuel? Are Scriptures a little confused here? 

   In the 1600s a German believer wrote a hymn focused on Immanuel. Other names in the hymn include Prince of life, almighty King and heavenly Guest.  

   Names are what we are called. In Bible times, names could also mean who you were. For example, in Acts, Paul's helper Joseph took on the name Barnabas, "encourager."

   Immanuel means "God with us." (Isaiah 7:14) That's who Jesus was in human flesh, and is, and eternally will be ... with us. Matthew quoted Isaiah 7:14 in his first chapter, after providing genealogy starting with Abraham. 

   In Isaiah chapter 9 the prophet provides other, awesome names of the "child," the "son" to be given to us centuries later.

   "And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince (ruler) of Peace."  

   It doesn't get any better than who he is. There is one God. If we have the Holy Spirit, we have the Son and we have the Father ... inseparable ... both here and above ... on our behalf ... no matter what ... in this fickle world. 

   Merry Christmas.



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