Friday, December 4, 2020


Where to Get News?   

   Sharyl Attkisson, who has contacts the rest of us don't, goes "to the source as much as possible. That means watching a news conference or hearing on C-SPAN, for example."

   "My takeaway," she says, "when I actually see something happening without the spin, that is different than what I read in a news story, really scares me." 

   "So I try to go to the source. And then I read alternate views. So if I see a narrative, everybody reporting something one way, I become suspicious and skeptical. Oftentimes when I dig, it's not true or I'm not getting the whole story. I try to go to the primary source." 

   She tells people, "Whatever you see on the news, particularly if everybody's reporting it using the same language, similar terms, same take no matter how much proof and sourcing they claim, I'm immediately skeptical." 

   "I ask myself, 'Who wants me to believe that and why?' And that leads to a truer truth or a more complete story than the one they're telling you." 

   She concludes her interview, "I want people to understand there is something they can do, and there is some hope in the book (Slanted) and some sources you can turn to that I list."

   "But don't give up, because there are tens of millions of people who understand what's going on and should not be silent."

   "I think we can pull out of this and change." 


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