Friday, December 18, 2020

 Finding Peace in Our Days  

   Despite the troubles of 2020, there are ways find more peace. Barbara Danza gives us some tips.

Reduce Screens 

   Given the computer, phone, TV and other screens we view daily, the inputs our brains process is excessive. The more we can enjoy the real world, the more relief we'll have away from our screens. (Not so easy for a daily blogger.)

Step Outside 

   It's cold this time of year, but some fresh air allows our five senses to slow the pace, find simplicity and hopefully enjoy some nature. 

Connect With Loved Ones  

   We can pick up the phone, send a card, share a picture, and if we follow the COVID rules, get together with others regularly.

Let Go of Resentments 

   Let go of toxic thoughts and feelings. Find forgiveness, understanding and compassion.


   Guilt makes peace difficult to find. It's honorable to admit mistakes, own up, and avoid excuses.   


   Holidays especially are a great time to practice generosity. 


   Look up for the ultimate sense of peace. Calm your thoughts, desires, worries and strife. There's more to life than meets the eye. Get quiet. Find peace. 


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