Saturday, December 5, 2020


We've Been Cancelled!!! 

   This morning we opened our draft of today's blog, which we wrote days ago, and - poof! - all we found was the word "saturday." See it, above? That's how we maintain order here. If it says "saturday," that means we proofread it once more, and post it - on Saturday. Got it? 

   It's not that we forgot to save it. Blogspot revised its software recently. Among the changes, every word is automatically saved within seconds after we type it. So, what happened? 

   In desperation we hired a lawyer investigating voter fraud in Georgia to unravel our mystery. She did some online snooping and quickly discovered - we've been cancelled! 

   Big Media, subject of our weeklong summary of Sharl Attkisson's interview on fake media, is a big player in the "cancel culture." They didn't wipe her comments, which are available worldwide, but they deleted today's dangerous - to them - comments on Views By the Sea.  

   Do you believe all that? 

   We don't recall what we wrote, so we'll move on.

Coyote Attack?

   Just before breakfast, Mrs. Donut called my attention to a coyote walking leisurely, right to left about 30 feet behind our house. A few minutes later, the animal returned along the same path.

   Where houses weren't blocking the low, morning sun, the coyote stopped to look a couple times. God's creation in the sunlight was absolutely beautiful, and graceful. Then it broke into an easy trot and exited stage right. The pack lives in the woods nearby.



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