Saturday, December 12, 2020

Thankfulness Brings Peace  

   When we were kids our parents taught us to say "please" and "thank you." We didn't have to feel it. Sure, it was better if it came from the heart, but they would settle for the words because it was the beginning of civilization, up from barbarism. 

   Wish we had said that. But, credit to Andree Seu Peterson, always a thoughtful read in WORLD magazine.

   As adult Christians we're taught to thank our perfect, heavenly Parent, she notes. He knows what we need, and he reserves the right to say what is "bread." We can thank him for a "no." 

   Corrie ten Boom, Peterson reminds us, if you read The Hiding Place, loathed the flea infestation where Nazis imprisoned her among many women. The Lord told her sister Betsie: "Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Jesus Christ." (1 Thessalonians 5:18) Corrie eventually realized, because of the fleas guards left their barracks alone. 

   People who didn't honor God or give thanks became futile in their minds. God gave them up to a debased mind. (Romans 1:21, 28) 

   When we "enter his gates with thanksgiving" (Psalm 100:4) we find peace. 

   Peterson recalls that Amy Coney Barrett received double-barreled news one day, when she learned of her pregnancy and also her orphaned child coming from Haiti.  

   She went to a cemetery to think ... and consoled herself with "Life is hard. But at least it's short."  

   Jesus healed ten lepers. One of them probably lived with more joy.




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