Tuesday, December 1, 2020

'Journalists' Who Are Not Journalists   

PART 2  

   Veteran journalist Sharyl Attkisson says an increasing number of people at news organizations are not journalists. (We thought so.) "They are simply propagandists who put forth a certain view. And if that requires a half-truth or lie, they're perfectly happy to do that." 

   "They are political operatives or corporate interests disguised as reporters," she said. "They avoid accurate information, view points, scientific studies that could lead you to draw...or a harmful conclusion to their interest." 

   Sadly, she notes, "Even journalism groups and journalism professors have changed what we thought of as news. They are proud to say they have disregarded objectivity and neutrality, which they say was overrated. I liken that to a doctor telling you that good diet and exercise are overrated."  

   "Journalism professors are teaching, and the New York Times is going along with it, that objectivity, neutrality and lack of bias are actually antiquated, old-fashioned notions," Attkisson said. (Double Wow!) 

   What about social media?

   She thinks, "Social media became another tool used by the same players in what I call the smear industry to manipulate and influence public opinion. We haven't been able to control (keep free) the internet."

   Attkisson believes "This started with President Obama announcing in 2016 that somebody needed to step in and 'start curating information in this wild, Wild West media environment on the internet.'" So, somebody did. 

   "They created a market where...the notion that third parties who know nothing about what they're fact checking...somehow should keep you from seeing certain things, or make sure you don't think certain things." 

 Tomorrow: Pharmaceuticals, PR firms and global law firms


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