Monday, December 28, 2020

The Second C - Capitalism

   We pick up where we left on Saturday - Christianity, one of the THREE Cs THAT MADE AMERICA GREAT, written by Mike Huckabee and Steve Feazel. 

   Capitalism is the second C. 

   Settlers in the colonies were escaping feudalism, common in Europe, where kings owned and dispensed land to nobles. They in turn gave kings political security.

   Peasant farmers did not own land, which was key to wealth. Ordinary citizens had little hope of owning land or gaining wealth. 

   After the Revolutionary War, the Washington administration sold western land at a dollar an acre to help pay off debt to France. Soldiers were paid in land grants.

   Capitalism grew, and other means of acquiring wealth became reality. The authors explain how America overcame some of capitalism's imperfections. 

   They also discuss personal stories of entrepreneurs, including Cornelius Vanderbilt, Sam Walton, Alexander Graham Bell and Rush Limbaugh.  

   "More people have been lifted out of poverty by capitalism than any other economic system ever to appear in the history of the world," they wrote.

   Tomorrow, the Constitution - the third C. 


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