Wednesday, December 9, 2020

 The Great Reset 

Our Ruling Class Rules  

   Pandemic restrictions have opened the door for ruling classes to go global, long a socialist/communist dream. The very aim of the red dragon. 

   The chairman of the World Economic Forum wrote of the pandemic's "silver lining" to show "how quickly we can make radical changes to our lifestyles." They launched "the Great Reset Initiative" with a goal of "revamping all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions, with every industry from oil and gas to tech - transformed." 

   Its ultimate goal: To deploy anti-pandemic, behavioral control strategies to save the planet from climate change. Watch how quickly the Biden Administration returns to the Paris Accords. But not China. 

   Shoot! Yes, wouldn't it be easier to just shoot everyone below the ruling class, and be done with human pollution for ... well, until some hypocritical rulers are found to be polluting? 

   Wesley Smith writes in Epoch Times that the "lockdowns have (increased) social isolation, suicides, opioid addictions and an economic implosion. But hey! They are great for the environment." 

   "Like every revolution," he says, "the Great Reset needs an enemy. That role is assigned to national loyalty, mindless xenophobic nationalism." (Shame on Trump.) 

   Backlash has hampered global governance. "But globalists (like Biden) don't have to listen," Smith adds. "Just redouble their efforts." 

   World establishment elites chip in. Prince Charles believes that COVID-19 provides a "golden opportunity to reset (there's that word again) ourselves." Among other things, "create a means of enabling net zero carbon emissions" (which have nothing to do with the pandemic). 

   See, millions aren't dying and losing jobs in vain. Sir Charles assures us, they are part of a golden opportunity for the whole world.

Pope Francis...would you believe it? Tomorrow.




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