Thursday, December 10, 2020

 Great Reset  

Triggers and Opportunities   

   These days, it's not the old Soviet Union that dreams of controlling the masses. No, people we call allies are doing the devil's work. 

   No offense, Catholic friends, but Pope Francis advocates strengthening the United Nations (those humble, God-fearing protectors of the little people?) so that "the concept 'family of nations' can acquire real teeth." There well may be Protestant leaders who share his sentiments. 

   (No doubt China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela and other team players are itching to support the family of nations.) 

   Boris Johnson, UK prime minister, said events such as the plague "are the trigger for social and economic change." Justin Trudeau of Canada calls the pandemic "an opportunity for a reset to reimagine economic systems that address global challenges like poverty, inequality and climate change."

   (We reimagine a world without such do-gooders in power.) 

   A corporate CEO proclaimed: "In its present form, capitalism is not truly contributing to the well-being of humanity. We need to reimagine capitalism, to incorporate (socialism?) social sustainability." The private sector will be the prime enforcer of a Great Reset. 

   (Are there global talking points all these collaborators are using?) 

   Finally, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle - who asked them? - support even greater censorship of social platforms. "It's up to the tech companies to self-regulate their content," they wrote. "or, failing that, governments to step in and impose restrictions." 

   (Wow! No freedom of speech in la-la land!)   

   Wesley Smith concludes, "If we have a President Joe Biden - who bragged he would 'follow the science' - expect him to participate in centralized schemes to rebuild the infrastructure of human existence, and establish a Great Reset. Dr. Fauci won't be the only voice lecturing us to 'do what you are told.'" 

   Fact: Any global "resets" they imagine have been tried by one nation or another under different labels. None contributed to the well-being of humanity, and never will produce utopia.) That's for the Lord to provide, during the thousand years.  


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