Saturday, December 19, 2020

Santa Connects in 2020  

   We were stunned when Santa Claus himself commented on our blog site. It must be true. He knows who's been naughty or nice. 

   So we responded, even though his big day is fast approaching. He replied:

   We have things under control. Some elves have tested positive, and some are laid off. But others are working longer hours, keeping socially distant. 

   Well, we hope all will be well soon. Ha. Ha. How many toys are you delivering this year?

   It's been difficult. With so many moms and dads out of work, we're not going to surprise every child as usual. And stimulus money isn't coming through.

   Oh, deer! I mean, dear! But, Santa, the stock market is way up.

   It's the children I'm concerned about. So many are aborted before we can give them a gift. But, yes, we will land on a good many roof tops. If there is any upside for me, I won't be going down as many downsides...chimneys that is.  

   Since you were jolly enough to correspond with me, I'm curious. Are high-tech gifts more challenging for your elves than trains, ice skates and Barbie dolls? 

   What's challenging are the progressives down your way insisting that every child's gift is equal in value to every other gift. Ho! Ho! Ho! is Woe! Woe! Woe! 

   I'm sorry, Santa. Maybe you should leave their gifts up on the roof. By the way, are you wearing a mask this year?

   I'm wearing it now. It's bright red. 

Miracles Abound

   Think the conception of baby Jesus is the singular miracle we celebrate? We found many more miracles (plural) to praise about. Monday through Wednesday in Views by the Sea. 




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