Monday, September 21, 2020

 Wrong on Human Rights   

   One valid opinion by Sen. Bernie Sanders, reform of the criminal justice system, went out the window when former AG Eric Holder wrote the legal section of the Biden-Sanders Unity Agreement

   Conrad Black, Canadian financier and former newspaper publisher, writes in The Epoch Times that the plea-bargaining system is responsible for 6 to 12 times as many incarcerated people per capita as comparable prosperous democracies. The U.S. has 5 percent of the world's population and 25 percent of its incarcerated people. 

   Our system of justice bypasses: "due process, no seizure of property without compensation, a speedy trial and impartial jury, counsel of choice, reasonable bail, and avoidance of cruel and unusual punishment." 

   Black writes, "The VP nomination of Kamala Harris has dashed any hopes ... for over-prosecuted millions who have been ground to powder among the 40 million ostensible felons in the  U.S. ... including failed breathalyzer tests, years-old disorderly conduct," etc. 

   "Harris was a maximum-sentence prosecutor in California who condoned and herself engaged in dubious practices to secure convictions ... more than 1,000 sentences for the use of marijuana." This is "indicative of the low priority of human rights in ... the American left."

   Sanders, he writes, "is more concerned with Marxist economics than with human rights." Rather, he "won approval for ludicrous tax increases, unaffordable medical care, the Green Terror, the monopoly of teachers unions, the dumbing down of the youth, academic ignorance, open borders, wealth, health and education for illegal migrants, a green light for nuclear-armed Iran, and the appeasement of 'peaceful protesters' who burn and pillage U.S. cities."

    Courtesy of a Canadian

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