Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Unseen Enemy - part 2

   "The actions of these protesters can only be described as demonic. They are burning Bibles, torching buildings with police officers inside, brutally assaulting innocent civilians and shooting to death passersby." - William Marshall, book reviewer. 

   Those who reject the claim that "all lives matter" are behaving like demonic people. 

   Author Paul Kengor didn't find evidence that Marx was a practicing satanist, but other Marx biographers suggest he was. In a poem, Marx wrote, "Thus Heaven I've forfeited, I know it full well. My soul, once true to God, is chosen for Hell." 

   In another poem: "See the sword - the Prince of Darkness sold it to me. For he beats the time and gives the signs. Ever more boldly I play the dance of death." 

   Marshall wrote, "His own family members and friends believed him to be possessed or influenced by the devil. His collaborator, Friedrich Engels, called Marx a 'monster of ten thousand devils.'" 

   In The Devil and Karl Marx, Kengor wrote that Marxists, communists and socialists have a similar affinity for the devil, with their hellish philosophy." Marshall, the reviewer: "Marx's ideology as a governing system has led to more human death and suffering by far than any other political system. 

   Marx became an atheist in college. Sound familiar? Kengor found Marxist history to be of, "consistent efforts to destroy traditional religions and to infiltrate and undermine the Church." 

 Remove the divine; control the man.

   Marshall concludes: "As our country grapples with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, whose founders proudly declare themselves to be 'Marxist-trained" ... we must understand what's driving them - which is truly demonic, whether they realize it or not." 



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