Friday, September 4, 2020

   Our desktop computer was so angered by an all night update Windows 10, it refused to reboot. Until we can coaks it back to life, we'll fumble along with our tablet. Any typos are not the fault of your blogger.

   Truth, we have no problem compared to the people of Beirut, Lebanon. As you know, the once stable city in the Middle East suffered horribly when a storage of weapons material taken from a Russian cargo ship years ago blew up like a bomb.

   About 500 injured found their way to a hospital without power and with walls of broken glass. Its beds already were filled with COVID-19 patients.  Lebanon's financial crisis had forced the layoff of 850 medical workers.

   Off-duty nurses and citizens rushed to help, holding their cell phones to shine light on doctors sowing up patients. Some of the injured appeared the next day to help clean up streets. A man with stitches in his swollen forehead brought buckets and a broom to clear spaces for strangers.

   Meanwhile, Lebanon's currency has lost 90 percent of value recently, and economists warn of another Venezuela. Some 600 health care workers have COVID-19. In all of this, there is opportuity for ministries to address not only outer needs, but inner wants as well.


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