Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Heart of the Matter    
   Are we discontented? Disillusioned? Anxious? 

   Follow your heart, our friends tell us.

   Not so fast. David asked God to test him, to "try my heart." 
That's self examination. "Follow your heart" is self-sovereignty.  

   The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? 
Jeremiah 17:9

   A wiser man than me wrote: 

   The heart is our inner being, desires, feelings and thoughts. It is evil, corrupt and selfish. Only God's grace can change it. 

   A source of wisdom it is not. It is confused, it will betray us, it has mixed desires, and it is easily manipulated by others. 

   We already have what we want.

   We already are what God made us to be. 

   We have within us the identity we desire.

   If only we let God be sovereign while we trust and obey.



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