Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Worst Case Scenario      
   This isn't a topic we want to write about. For one day maybe it's useful...but not for young readers. 

     In our world there is a constant whirl of: 
belief and unbelief
truth and lies
light and darkness
love and hate
obedience and rebellion
peace and violence
wheat and weeds

   There is an assault on our semi-democracy and we the people who benefit by its fruits ... an attack funded by others who also benefit. For what purpose? 

   This summer, commentators on the left already are posing that if the president loses the election, he will refuse to vacate. We note that the accusers themselves never accepted the results of 2016. There is a dark plan afoot...

   ...including, the issue of millions of vote-by-mail ballots, without voter requests. Dozens of lawyers are set to challenge election results, pro bono. (If there is no confirmed winner by January 20, Nancy Pelosi becomes president.) 

   Mobs in cities create havoc on private and even federal property, with approval of politicians who assumed chaos was good for their own prospects. How sad.  

   Cowardly wearing face masks, mobs with bullhorns target homes of the "privileged," demanding they vacate to allow others to occupy. If power swings totally to the left, we can see our neighborhoods and jobs being given over to strangers. It happens in countries gone socialist.

   Then we the "privileged" can relate to the forced relocation of some 60,000 Native Americans, and freed slaves who fled the South only to populate inner cities, remaining disadvantaged while suburbs grew and prospered. 

   The dark plan may succeed somewhat, but it will fail most, if not all of us. 
   Cheer up. Light may overcome darkness. We have hope for all Americans. 




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