Thursday, September 17, 2020

Who's Privileged? 

   Liberals continue their bunk about "white privilege." 

   Here's evidence from the Census Bureau that whites aren't taking full advantage of their supposed privileges. In 2018, per capita income of white Americans was $36,962. 

   Also in 2018, per capita:

   Asian Indians in the U.S. - $53,298

   Japanese Americans - $50,617 

   Chinese Americans - $43,583 

   Korean Americans - $41,385   

    Filipino Americans - $36,183 (not far below whites) 

   Maybe dedication, study, delayed gratification, family structure etc. matters more than race. 

Who's Worthy? 

   My evaluation of myself depends on my performance and others' opinions.

   God's evaluation of me is based on His truth about me.

   I do have great worth, apart from my performance, because Jesus Christ gave His life for me. I am deeply loved, forgiven and accepted in Christ.

   Now, He wants me to grow in His likeness, discarding my old nature brick by brick. 


   Planned Parenthood kills an estimated 360 black lives every day. 

   Where's the outrage? 



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