Friday, September 18, 2020

Some Hurricane      

   Not Sally. We mean Crossfire Hurricane, the two year, $32 million attempt to destroy President Trump by a committee of leftists in the FBI and beyond. When the storm was over - much damage to presumption of innocence, but Trump survived. 

   At least 22 of the 92 iPhones used by Mueller's crew were wiped clean before they could be properly reviewed for federal records. Imagine how similar cheaters will behave if given the full reigns of our government. 

   Their excuses: "The phones wiped themselves ... It was by accident ... We forgot the passwords."             Honest, Mom. 

Some Fires  

   Smoke from West Coast fires has been seen in Europe. In Oregon, eight are dead and four towns are destroyed. Some who fled are being housed in our nephew's church near Portland. 

   In California, 25 are dead and 4,200 buildings were destroyed, so far.  

Some Re-enactment 

   A Mayflower Autonomous Ship, powered by wind and solar, left Europe on Wednesday, following the same course the original Mayflower took 400 years ago, September 16. The cylindrical ship, 50 ft. long, is not manned. The original ship was 100 ft. long, carrying 125, mostly pilgrims in search of religious freedom. 

Some Voters?

   Nearly 350,000 deceased voters remain on the rolls from coast to coast. North Carolina is the worst case. With 100 million (more than half of all voters) receiving ballots by mail, requested or not, what's up? 

   And what about voters who have moved but not been removed? Lots of opportunity for undemocratic democracy, we think. 



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