Friday, September 11, 2020

Did Trump Read Views    

   😀 Ha, ha. 

   You may recall our Views on August 26, when we wrote of government types encouraging employees to think in terms of "white privilege." We experienced one of those "training" sessions years ago.

   Pleasant surprise: The president has ordered agencies to stop spending tied to "critical race theory" and other content presuming "any race as racist or evil." Trump called the "divisive propaganda anti-American." 

   Press reports: Federal employees in training sessions have had to say they benefit that virtually all white people contribute to racism. "This leads to resentment," Trump said. "The theory is a sickness that cannot be allowed to continue." 

Great Expectations 

A city on a hill. The last best hope of Earth. 

Give me your tired, your poor ... with liberty and justice for all.

   "Do the world's other people expect so much?" asks Janie B. Cheaney. "High ideals make for high expectations," she writes, "leading to rage when they're not met. A nation promising liberty and justice can never square with competing visions." 

   Our beginning was less idealistic, Cheaney claims, with "ordinary people finding room to make a decent life for themselves. Founding Fathers set ideals just high enough to strive for, with limits on power." 

   "Humanity being what it is," she writes, "we'll never quite get there. The right pushes for liberty, the left for justice."

   She refers to Jesus, who "knew that neither perfect justice nor perfect liberty will happen on earth. But as justice was satisfied in heaven, and liberty secured, so will be our greatest expectations." 

 🙏 Yes!


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