Tuesday, September 15, 2020

 Our Unseen Enemy         

   Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers in this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Ephesians 6:12

   Does anyone doubt that Hitler's holocaust could be traced to Satan? What about Stalin and Mao? Were they influenced by an earlier German, Karl Marx (1818-1863)? 

   The Devil and Karl Marx is written by professor Paul Kengor of Grove City College, in my home county. Frustrated by years of failure to convince leftists of the error of their ways, Kengor lets it rip as he connects communism, socialism and democratic socialism with evil. 

   His book won't change leftist hearts, but the author illuminates what the rest of us need to consider. Ronald Reagan called the Soviet Union "evil" for starving, murdering and brutalizing its own people. Marxism has accounted for up to 140 million deaths, maybe more. And where Marxism is, religion is banned. 

   With the demise of the USSR, we assumed Marxism-Leninism was finished as a governing socioeconomic system, Kengor writes. (Instead, while we were sleeping) "satanic influence fermented in American society in academe, newsrooms of Big Media, Hollywood, corporate offices of tech giants and political suites across the country." 

   How can this be?

   "For those who laugh at the notion of a spiritual dimension to radical Marxist policies by the (current) Democratic Party, Kengor's book will open their eyes," writes book reviewer, William Marshall. He adds, "As we watch Antifa and Black Lives Matter riot, and the incredible embrace of them by political figures and corporate America ... what on earth is going on?

Tomorrow: Marx's own writings



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