Thursday, September 3, 2020

It's 1984 in 2021    

The White House. January 21:  President Joe Biden steps to the mic. He reads: "Today, I impose a national mandate for everyone to wear a mask when outdoors. Second, as advised by scientists, I will shut down the economy for at least six weeks. Finally, after listening to the experts, I impose a national mandate that everyone be vaccinated for COVID-19."   

A White House correspondent asks, "Mr. President,
what about people who don't want vaccinations
for religious, philosophical or personal reasons?"

   The president looks to his aide, who thumbs through his folder and gives him a sheet. He reads: "To win the war against the coronavirus, the only answer is compulsory vaccination. We do not honor religious objections. We do not allow objections for personal preference, violating the social contract."

Another correspondent asks, "Mr. President,
how will you enforce these mandates, because
there will be deplorables who refuse to cooperate?"

   The aide pulls another sheet, which he gives to the president. He reads:
"*Those who refuse will lose tax credits and be denied nonessential government benefits. *Health insurers will levy higher premiums. *Private employers will refuse unvaccinated individuals employment or services. *Public and commercial transit companies will not accept refusers. *Public and private auditoriums will require evidence of immunization. *Every immunized person - including undocumented individuals - will be given a certification card with the expiration date-stamped. *A national registry of immunizations will be created. I'll take one more question."

"Mr. President, who will head up this program?"

   "Ezekiel Emanual, my secretary of Health and Human Services. He was the architect of Obamacare and he will do a fine job. Thank you very much." 

Dems proposals above: THE EPOCH TIMES

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