Friday, September 25, 2020

 Voter Rights or Voter Fraud    

   Since 2016, California permits a voter to mark the ballot at home, mail it back, drop it off, or - designate any person to return the ballot. Democrats go door to door offering to pick up ballots and help voters fill them out. All this in the name of "rights." 

   It's all about political power. Tragically, millions of Americans don't seem to care, Christians among them. About 60 percent of eligible voters participate in presidential years, 40 percent in congressional elections. 

   Sen. Kamala Harris warns about violence. Hillary (bitter) Clinton advises Joe (come on, man) Biden not to concede..."ever!" The Washington Post warned (threatened?) possible violence and a constitutional crisis if their candidate loses. 

   Walsh, our source, says, "Democrats will abide by their real slogan - 'by any means necessary' - to rid themselves" of President Trump. 

What to do?   

   Win. Beyond the margin of cheating. GOP lawyers should watch every swing state precinct and challenge ballots that just "fell off the truck." 

   Republicans, Walsh adds, "also need to keep an eye on Biden's mental health. Democrats could remove him at any point and substitute Harris."

   New Jersey 2002: Democrats illegally forced corrupt Sen. Torricelli off the ballot and replaced him with former Sen. Lautenberg, who wasn't a declared candidate. 

   As for the future, Walsh believes, "Election Day doesn't sneak up on people. Absentee ballots should be allowed only for active-duty military and diplomats and their families overseas. Retirees in Costa Rica have effectively renounced their right to vote." 

   Stop with the shenanigans. Who are we, Belarus? 




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