Thursday, September 10, 2020

We'll Never Know 

   A certain youngster grew up in Houston's Third Ward, a housing project known for tough times, rats and roaches. It was another place where black lives didn't matter.

   This young guy was arrested many times, and went to prison for armed robbery.

   He left prison in 2013, apparently a changed man. He volunteered with Resurrection Houston church, setting up chairs, and a bathtub on the basketball court for baptisms. 

   While going door to door with the pastor, he let residents know about Bible studies and grocery deliveries. 

   He became involved in a Christian program in Minnesota. 

  Another young man did drugs, committed crimes and spent three years in prison. After release, he founded Texas Reach Out Ministries, and as CEO for 30 years was God's servant to alcoholics, drug addicts, and former inmates. 

   The ministry provides homes for men and others for women, along with employment assistance and spiritual guidance. He died in July from COVID-19. 

   We don't know if George Floyd in Minnesota was destined for a similar future. At age 46, he had drugs in his system when arrested. Police officers ended his story.

   Marvin Olasky, whose column we summarized here, says a tough environment doesn't justify crime, "but maybe a person who grew up in one should get a second chance." 



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