Saturday, September 5, 2020


   Our desktop operating system went bye-bye. Call it a crash. So we stumble along with reader comments (not our blog) for your interest. This tablet leaves much to be desired for blogging.

   "Young black men are often treated with suspicioon because a few commit so many crimes. Now the police are the enemy because a few are bad."

   "In a government by decree, bureaucrats rule through pure power. People don't know the reasons for decrees, supposedly accessible only to "experts," and so there remains only one thing that counts, the brutal naked event itself." 

   "Legislating an ever-increasing minimum wage is a virtue signaling of  the worst kind. Entry level jobs that produce training and experience are lost to the lust to stay in office.'

   "All of us are searching for hope and security and that is the only true source of such hope and security is Christ."

   "Not long ago, the NFL told Tim Tebow that the field was not a place to kneel. Relativism is a funny thing." 

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