Thursday, September 24, 2020

Delegates of Demons          

   Foreigners interfere in our elections? That devilish effort is child's play compared to the influence demons have on unsuspecting American political operatives. 

   Cheating, gaming the system - is a form of lying. The devil is the "father of lies." His gang troubles the world's prime democracy, and the freedom enjoyed by Christians, Jews and others.

   We know this because we know what the Bible says about the dark underworld.

   Election night 2018: Democrats gained 24 seats in the House. Then came late votes - absentee ballots, provisional ballots and ballot harvesting. What a coincidence ... the Dems picked up 17 more seats. 

   In conservative Orange County, California, all seven GOP seats flipped as sacks of votes were dropped off at precincts, or appeared days later with Nov. 6 postmarks. 

   In the 2004 Washington state gubernatorial race, the Republican was declared the winner. He won a recount. Then a second recount, done by hand, went to his opponent. 

   Some 723 ballots were miraculously discovered during the second recount. 

   Connecticut, 2010: A Republican had an 8,000 vote lead statewide, until a court order kept polls open in Bridgeport two hours longer. Newly printed ballots appeared in selected precincts. 

   Michael Walsh, editor of The, and an author, says elections have been "rigged since the middle of the 19th century - voter intimidation, voters voting multiple times, and ballots appearing out of thin air." 

   Add to cheating, elections now are weeks-long events, and some locations don't require proof of residence or identity. 

   We think it was John Adams who said our Constitution was written for "a moral people." It's only as good as we the people. 



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