Saturday, September 12, 2020

Memo to Lady Liberty    

   We gave you our elites. The overclass.  

   The promise of America generally works for the middle class, and lately there is a top-down effort - Enterprise Zones - to lift the underclass. But, as for trust in leadership, as patriots once trusted George Washington, what sometimes comes to mind: dishonest / deceitful / duplicitous / dishonorable / unprincipled / corrupt / hypocrisy.

   In a word: untrustworthy 

   Elites, successful in terms of wealth and power, and those who misbehave, are found among entertainers, politicians, military, healthcare, news media, activist organizations, corporations, charities, education and sometimes religious bodies. 

   Some, when caught or exposed, try to salvage reputation by vowing to fight for a liberal cause. That keeps them in "good standing," if not free. Jerry Falwell, Jr., at least, was honest: "I'm not a minister." 

   Not all elites are "evil." But, power and political friends have a way of calling. Who knows if our leaders - any of them - follow the rules when no one is looking? You don't know what a blogger does when he or she isn't writing. 

   Joseph Bottum, Ph.D., Dakota State University, writes, "We have a terrible overclass. What's the point of gaining influence? Far too often it appears nothing but personal gain and/or indulgence that would have raised eyebrows in ancient Rome." 

   The professor thinks hypocrisy is inevitable. "People are people, from the old Babylon to the new Babylon of America." 

   He adds, "Always some will take advantage. Some will use their power for coercion. Some will mount sanctimonious cliches while their hand reaches under the table to take a bribe..." (or worse.) 

Monday: Elites conclusion. 

Trump voters and Antifa activists - opposites, but shared characteristics


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