Monday, August 10, 2020

We Are Bad   
   This journalist at heart just did a reprehensible thing. We cancelled our newspaper subscription. It's true.

   We'll miss the sports and comics. The one-sided opinions, endless COVID-19 stats and activities in other counties - not so much.   

   So, how do we stay informed? CNN? Twitter? NY Times? USA Today? Saturday Night Live? "Wisdom" at the local bar? 

   A friend introduced us to a weekly newspaper that has been around a few years. 

Here are its declarations: 

* dedication to seeking the truth
* independent journalism
* outside of political interests and the pursuit of profit
* responsible to society
* educate readers about today's important topics; broaden minds
* rational, balanced debate is key for a healthy democracy and compassionate society
* freedom to investigate issues overlooked or avoided by other media
* highlight solutions and what's good for society rather than what divides us
* respectful, compassionate, rigorous
* against the destruction wrought by communism
* highest standards of integrity 

   Amen! What we learned in journalism school, and much more.

   It is The Epoch Times, from New York City. After reading our friend's copy, we subscribed for three months. If my hunch is right, we'll go for more.

   There are features for life & tradition, travel, mind & body, food, and arts & culture. 

Epoch: 1. time marked by an event that begins a new period or development
            2. extended period of distinct development or series of events
This may be an epochal event for yours truly.   Jimmy



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