Thursday, August 20, 2020

Angels Receive Assignments 

   Tell the virgin, Mary, Nothing is impossible with God. Give her a word of knowledge. Tell Joseph what is happening. Give Elizabeth a prophesy. Give Zechariah a word.  

   Your privilege: take good news to the shepherds (the least of these my brothers?) near Bethlehem. 

   Immanuel, God with us, is born to deliver us from our greatest enemy - sin.
   This is not what people expected. Jesus spends 40 days in the desert without food or water, foils Satan's temptations...and is attended by angels. 

   He turns water into wine and heals a leper. He calms a storm on the lake and walks on the water.  

   Jesus sends disciples into the countryside with healing powers. He feeds thousands by multiplying a small collection of bread and fish.

   Jesus fills an empty fishing net to the breaking point. 
Peter, stunned, says, Go away; I am a sinner. 

   Peter, James and John witness a transfiguration, as Jesus visits with Moses and Elijah. Peter blurts out an idea. 

   Jesus heals invalids, the blind, cripples, mutes, demon-possessed and paralytics. He raised Lazarus to life after four days.  

   His "work" about finished, He rides a cooperative colt into Jerusalem. Adoring people think He is going to establish his kingdom. Instead, He washes his disciples' feet. 

   They arrest him at night, while people slept. The Son suffers his Father's wrath - in our place - and He tells the Father to forgive his killers. 

   The tomb cannot hold him. He shows hundreds his nail-pierced hands. There is life-changing joy among his followers. He breathes the Holy Spirit into his disciples.  

Tomorrow: Until the Day



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