Wednesday, August 19, 2020

From Basket to Palace    
   Baby Moses and others of his generation were destined for infanticide. Was that Satan's first "holocaust?" But he was spared, and raised in Egyptian luxury. At age 80, then a shepherd in Arabia, he heard a voice in a burning bush.

   We mortals would choose a younger man with better articulation to face off with mighty Pharaoh. The plagues of judgment were awesome. A staff became a snake...then returned to a staff.

   During the Exodus at the southern tip of the Sinai wilderness, Moses and the Israelites were trapped. There was no way thousands of people and their animals could have traveled north...west of the Red Sea...toward the Promised Land. Check Google Earth. 

   God to the rescue again.

   What was all the commotion on Mount Sinai if not miracles? Still, the self-absorbed people rebelled, complained and died in the desert. Forty years after the camp-out began, their descendants broke camp. Joshua took over for Moses, now 120. 

   Jericho fell by a shout and the sound of trumpets. The sun stood still for several hours. An Assyrian officer was healed of leprosy. 

   An ax head floated in the Jordan River. Samson, Gideon and others had their moments.

   Did the Lord guide David's slingshot. What do you think? 

Tomorrow: A stone that causes men to stumble

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