Thursday, August 13, 2020

From Pro Women
       To Erase Women 
   Women arrived, thanks in part to the 19th Amendment 100 years ago this month. But some are so unfulfilled by their voting rights and access to the job market, they don't want to be called "women" any longer. Gotta pursue happiness somehow! 

   A professor writes that the first women's rights convention was held in 1848. This grew out of the abolitionist movement, when women realized they didn't have the same rights they were campaigning for African Americans. 

   Some didn't support the 15th Amendment (for black men) because women weren't included. In 1890 they joined forces with the National American Woman Suffrage Association. White women even moved away from promoting black civil rights. 

   In 1913, the movement sponsored a parade in Washington, the day before Woodrow Wilson's inauguration. Things were becoming more radical. 

   They protested in 1917, challenging the president: "You're trying to make the world safe for democracy. Well, extend democracy to the women in your own country who are supporting this war effort." 

   Wilson needed full backing. He couldn't ignore daily protests, and finally persuaded Congress to pass the 19th Amendment. The professor notes that Mrs. Edith Wilson supported the movement. 

   During World War II, women "manned" the factories while men fought the battles. Afterward, they were expected to go back to making beds. They began to question their world, and today more women than men attend college.

   Are we all good, now? Nah. Some women try to reduce womanhood, to erase the realities of biology. "Call me an individual who _____." Fill in the blank. 

   And men claim femaleness as a birthright, while young children are told to decide which they want to be, and media like CNN dutifully go along. 

   God created both male and female in his image. Genesis 1:27 


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