Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Manifesto for US     
   We're disappointed in LeBron James, NBA superstar, who despite enormous wealth never forgets inner-city Akron. 

   Our pro basketball league, losing appeal to American fans, looks to China of all places for TV revenue. We saw LeBron and most fellow players don BLACK LIVES MATTER shirts and kneel during the national anthem...some with heads down, whatever message that sends. 

   Even if we accept their grievance - a history of racial difficulties - NBA players (who can't support freedoms for Hong Kong) appear on Chinese television with obvious disgust. The communist government must be laughing. Now there's a message: 
You Chinese have it good. Look how terrible democracy is.  

BLM Manifesto
   Here's what BLM wants. You can Google this; they're not hiding their intentions. It falls under four categories of injustice, changes they demand, or else. Political. Racial. Police. Economic.

   Abolish Congress (Are Democrats okay with this?) and the Judicial branch. 
A new constitution. "Selections" (not elections) to a Council of experts in labor, industry, transportation, public health and communications. (Are liberal news media okay with ending freedom of the press?)

   Professionals or tradesmen with legislative powers (under) a general commission, with administrative powers.  

   Federal minimum wage - $20 an hour. Labor unions for all major industries, with equal power to administrative powers and industry executives. Nationalize all transport industries. (You like our food chain as is?) 

   Instead of police, unarmed mediation/intervention teams. All weapons, bullet and explosive manufacturers - nationalized. (Therefore...)  
   A strong "progressive" tax on capital, redistributed as reparations to descendants of slaves and indigenous people. 

   Seizure of all possessions of religious congregations and abolition of all religious institutions that have been used to oppress, enslave and colonize people of color. 

   Revise military contracts, seizing 85 percent of profits, to be redistributed. 

Tomorrow: the history
Friday: our  comments


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