Friday, August 7, 2020

Revolution: It's On    

   Our thoughts ... the subject of the week. It's the economy, not racial justice.

   Pilgrims tried socialist ways in the early 1600s. Didn't work. Soviet Union: empty store shelves. Venezuela: Train wreck. China: market economy; state is god. 
Cuba: Some in Hollywood think $29 per week is just right. 

Making connections: 

            BLM                                               EVENTS/EFFECTS 

Abolish Judicial branch of government     Rioters practice on Portland court.

Abolish Congress                                   Dems don't accept 2016 result
Selection of legislative persons               Elections get in the way

Communications department                  State control of information 
                                                           U.S. techs delete conservatives

Labor union power equal                        Old socialist base, makes
to administrative powers                        comeback and more 

Nationalize transportation                       Trucks will carry what and where
                                                            the "powers" say they will

Eliminate police                                      Movements to defund police 
                                                             Who will combat crime?
                                                             What is or isn't a crime? 

Nationalize weapon manufacturers            Cutting off citizen gun rights
                                                              at the source 

Strong tax on capital                                Far less capital to tax

Seize churches and institutions                  See China, North Korea, Iran etc.

Seize 85 percent of military profits             Far less profit; maybe none 

When no Democratic senators in a hearing will say the name "antifa" 
in connection with rioting, we're left to suspect the worst.  

   The revolution is already underway, and we haven't even voted yet.


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