Friday, August 28, 2020

Masculine or Effeminate?    
   Away with artists who dare to depict the incarnate Son of God, let alone portray him as effete or womanish. 

   Centuries in advance, the prophet described him as having "no beauty (female) or majesty (male) to attract us to him." Intentional. See Isaiah chapter 53 for further details. 

   Some others in the Bible were "handsome," but never Jesus. What the Lord wants us to know about himself is of mind and Spirit, not his looks. 

   God is all the attributes He gave to his creation, both male and female. Does it matter that painters offer their own concepts? 

   Why are men (10 percent) less likely to attend church and listen to sermons than and in many cultures over time? 

   When 19th century American churches forbade sports on Sunday, men avoided church. Some men who did attend slept through the sermons.  

   How about: pastors and teachers speak of "my Rock," and "my strength." 

   That He created Earth and will rule over nations.

   That He taught with authority.

   That He spent 40 days and nights without food or water, sparring with Satan while physically exhausted. 

   That He called false-teachers "hypocrites" and a "brood of vipers," to their faces. 

   That He overturned tables and benches, driving merchants out of the temple.

   That, as a Lamb, He willingly endured the horrific cross. 

   That, as a Lion, He will make war.           (a guy thing) 

   Okay, loving Jesus also said, "Let the children come unto me." 



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