Wednesday, August 26, 2020

So, You Are Privileged?    
   Tch. Tch. Our political left has a target on your back.

   Some 25 years ago at a large government site, my department of about 20 people spent a day of training at a bed and breakfast. (We got neither bed nor breakfast.) 

   On the "guidance" of Hazel O'Leary, secretary of energy, our manager lined us grownups side by side, out in the back yard. (We weren't even government employees.) 

   It began: "If you were raised by two parents, take a step forward. If you're male, step forward...white, forward." Some coworkers stepped backward. 

   After all the criteria, such as education, yours truly found himself to be among the most privileged. I sat down on the steps, befuddled. That's not how I saw myself, especially among this group of achievers, including black women. I had struggled throughout my career. Never secure. Never a leader. Never wealthy. 

   Today, the identity police are still at it. We learned last week that workers at our former job site are being encouraged to despise white privilege. If it's there, it's happening at government sites across the country. 

   Part of a plan - the far-left plan. They contend:                         \/
      Freedom of speech protects the privileged.
      Equality in law protects the privileged.
      Freedom of religion protects the privileged. 
         (Translation: God and the Bible, not welcome.)
                                                                                                                          Source: Nikki Haley  
   They say:
      Social justice (as they define it) trumps freedom of religion.
      What counts are categories: race, sexual identity, etc. 
      Rights that perpetuate privilege must be eliminated.
      America must be remade.                                                       /\
  We don't worship the GOP.
We do appreciate current policies and imperfect America's progress overall.

Any administration - and Congress - under pressure by 
the growing left will fail everyone, except the newly privileged 
power brokers and those who go along to get along.

As in oppressive China


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