Monday, August 3, 2020

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Turning Our World   
                  Upside Down    

   "Young people in the US are being influenced by liberals on campus, in the media and in politics. They flirt with the idea of socialism," writes Nikki Haley in her book, With All Due Respect. 

   And it's not just on campus. She says, "People are being elected to Congress who are doing more than flirting." 

   Seeing the world more clearly after serving as ambassador to the United Nations, Haley singles out Venezuela for evidence. Socialism began as a well-intentioned campaign to prioritize poor people. 

   Within 18 years, Venezuela went from the wealthiest nation in South America to the poorest. Some 90 percent of its citizens live below the poverty line. 
Millions fled.  

   Some are dying of malnutrition, and old diseases are reappearing. 

   Along with a socialist economy - and this is a given - arose an authoritarian, criminal government with zero concern for human rights...supported by Cuba, Russia and China. Duh!   

   In freedom-loving America, "the far Left has a plan to end inequality," Haley says, "and it's dangerous." 

   "Support for free speech on campus is fading. Religious freedom would be replaced by social-justice goals..." as determined by who? the people who tolerate arson and looting of private businesses 
...the people who look the other way when protesters ignore social distancing people okay with 500 in a casino, but no more than 50 in church...if that 
...the people who will take from some and give to others to achieve utopia. 
   We don't worship Republicans, but... If you've been watching, leftward Democrats and their media sidekicks are hell bent on dismantling anyone standing in the way of their long-desired domination. What else explains around-the-clock hatred for our elected president and his administration? 



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