Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Abraham Believes; Sarah Laughs    

   Too bad the Weather Channel wasn't there to opine on 40 days and nights of rain and worldwide flood. TV News might have asked Noah: Who told you this was coming? How did you collect all those creatures for your...what do you call it...an ark?

   Hey, how did the door close by itself? Noah, Noah...let us in! 

   We mortals don't understand. God saw to it that someone recorded accounts of this event and human activity before and after. The writings, books, collectively are called...

   A Testament: a witness  covenant  tangible proof  tribute  conviction. 

   No generation experiences the whole. We believe his Testaments - with help of his Spirit - for what is past, with faith and hope in what is promised. 

   God called elderly Abraham to father a new family line. His offspring would trust and obey God and demonstrate his many attributes to the outside world. Wouldn't they? 

   He appeared in human form to reveal that Sarah would give birth long after the age of child bearing. When she overheard this, she laughed, and God overheard her. 
Is there anything too hard for the Lord? Gulp! 

   Almighty God accomplishes his will by the power of his Spirit, not the abilities of stubborn man, although He is active within us. He waited another 25 years - for emphasis we assume - before Isaac was conceived. 

   Abraham's 12 great-grandsons weren't choir boys, but the Lord had big plans for their descendants. Eventually, the 12 families - about 75 persons - migrated to Egypt to avoid a famine. Just part of the plan.    

   Joseph was falsely accused by the wife of an Egyptian official. Prison was part of the plan. Joseph himself later became the second most powerful official in Egypt. Part of the plan. 
Tomorrow: From Basket to Palace 


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