Saturday, August 8, 2020

Those who would rule are themselves slaves.
Those who seize wealth have themselves been seized.
Those who master are themselves under a master.
   Human government and affairs - on human terms alone - never bring true life. 

   Those who wish to remake America would use power, not free elections. They don't believe in a greater POWER.

   In the book of Romans, chapters 5-7, God reveals that initially all of us become slaves to sin. No exceptions. 

   Sin, promoted by evil in the spiritual realm, produces "covetous desires in our mortal bodies." Sin becomes MASTER. Without God, we are SLAVES no matter how well intentioned. 

   Sin SEIZES the opportunity to deceive. 

   BLM/Marxists are themselves slaves who have been seized by a master. They have no concern beyond human lifetime. 

   Before law, there was no sin. The law is good, but it is powerless to overcome human nature. 

   Thankfully, God of love has not been unconcerned these past 2,000 years. He sent the second Person of the Trinity, Jesus, to physically die the death we deserve. (Human graves cannot hold spiritual beings.) Christ in turn sends the third Person, the Holy Spirit, into the hearts of believers. 

   It is only by God's grace that we are forgiven, and only by the Spirit's leading that we overcome ... and obey our heavenly MASTER. Paul says we become SLAVES to righteousness.

   Worthy goals - political freedom and justice - can never be fully met by fallen individuals. In their cancel culture, radicals already have cancelled God ... and his children. 



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