Saturday, August 1, 2020

Having it Both Ways     
   Maybe we can get this straight. Charles Darwin is the wise man who taught us to believe in evolution, not God. (No chance of his statue in Shrewsbury, England being destroyed.) 

   Darwin said Africans were less evolved than white people. But, how can we today respect both African Americans and Darwin?

   US and European scientists used his "discoveries" to promote discrimination.

   School children once learned from biology textbooks that whites were more advanced on the evolutionary ladder. But, those children and their children - not scientists - are accused of racism. 

   "Follow the science." Okay. A leading scientist took indigenous people to display them in a "human zoo" at the 1904 World's Fair. 

   Black lives matter, but their ancestors were told by esteemed academics that they were a link between apes and humans. 

   In a 1906 New York exhibit, a man placed a pygmy man from the Congo in a cage with an orangutan. When two African American clergymen objected, the New York Times, today's "reliable" source for most TV newsrooms, assured readers that "the pygmies are very low in the human scale."  

   Even now, neoDarwinists contend there is little distinction between humans and animals. Oh, who to believe? 

   Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger used Darwin's work to call non-whites and people with disabilities "more animal than human." And worse. PP finally disowned her this summer. Talk about getting it straight. !

   Where to turn? We'll just give God the last word:

   In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. 
Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, in our likeness...'   Genesis 1:1, 26


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